Aired: May 3, 2018 Dr. David Berger is featured in WFLA’s GR8 Inspiration. This Tampa Florida news story recognizes him for his dedication to patients over the years and how through this commitment, his patients’ lives are changing for the better because of a natural...
Medical Marijuana for Autism-related Anxiety Disorders
Aired: April 12, 2018 Bay News 9 in Tampa reports on how an autistic boy in St. Petersburg had his life changed for the better with medical marijuana, and specifically THC.
CBS News Radio Reporters Notebook – Autism and Medical Cannabis
Aired: April 11, 2018 Where medications like Ritalin failed, one Florida boy’s life is changed for the better with medical cannabis. Click the play button to listen to this audio story:
Can Autism be Treated with Medical Cannabis?
The cannabis digest for discerning women, Van der Pop, dives into the topic of treating autism with medical cannabis. The article features Dr. David Berger. Read the article by clicking here: Van der Pop_Budding Prospect_4.2.18
Dr. Berger in roundtable on lead in toys (part 1 of 2)
Dr. Berger participated in this is round-table discussion on Fox News Channel 13 (8/21/07).
Dr. Berger in roundtable on lead in toys (part 2 of 2)
Dr. Berger participated in this is round-table discussion on Fox News Channel 13 (8/21/07).
Dr. Berger interviewed on wfla-tv about zika concerns
Original story on News Channel 8:
Dr. David’s Podcast Interview on Medical Cannabis in Florida
Aired: February 15, 2017 Dr. David joined “The Marijuana Solution” podcast with guest Robert Roundtree to discuss the recently proposed rules by the Florida Department of Health Office of Compassionate Use. In the interview, Dr. David breaks down the proposed rules...
What Are Ways People Can Facilitate a More Natural and Easy Birthing Process?
There are many ways to help facilitate an easy birthing process that we usually consult on when going through a birth plan. Learn some of the options available to you in this video so you can enjoy a well planned birth.
How Do You Test and Manage the Toxicities Created by Yeast and Bacteria?
Toxins can come from yeast or bacteria. Managing these toxins can come with significant improvements of health.